Real Wild Flowers

Bilby Blooms!

Bilby Blooms!

Bilby Blooms in a logo
Banksia menziesii changes from the first bud, then a long column early bud, and then reaches this stage getting its width.  As this stage progressis a lovely soft purple/pink colours the flower

Plant Lists

We try to keep a reasonably up to date plant list…
Gardenesque, Albury 2025

March 8th & 9th

“A Life of Gardening starts with just one (more) Plant!”

A Calendar of Wildflowers

Something is always in flower!

Australian Native Plants for Shade


Australian Native Plants for Clay


Australian Native Plants for Cut Flowers


Shade Loving Plants

Many Australian plants prefer exposed sunny conditions, and then there are others that perform in shade

We enjoy our plants, check here for interesting bits and pieces on the plants and other things

Real Wild Flower Farm

Our small farm produces flowers and foliage all year round?  See what is possible to grow!

Let nature inspire

How to encourage pollinators into your life with just the right Australian Native Plant

From discarded caps, intricate buds, fire protecting nuts, our Australian flora has inspirational shapes

A range of edible and cultural Australian native Plants


Explore the difference between edible and tasty!

Bush Tucker Plants

Explore the Australian plants that bring back the wild to your farm


Bilby Blooms have a long love in our naturally wild environment, these books help you love them as well

Flowers in the Wild!

Discover Australia’s Flora

We grow a (too) wide selection of native plants, many not seen from other nurseries

Our nursery and flower farm are open by appointment.

We also provide guided tours from $55 of the extensive gardens, nursery and flower farm
